August 14, 2010 |
As students are aware, the matter relating to extending the facility of appearance in the final examination during the last 12 months of their articleship training by students who originally registered themselves for the Professional Education – II (PE-II) course as well as those who converted themselves from PE-II to Professional Competence Course (PCC)/Integrated Professional Competence Course (IPCC) and from PE-II to PCC and thereafter to IPCC, besides enabling PCC students to appear in the final examination during the last six months of their practical training, was before the Council of the Institute for taking a final decision and the same fructified at the meeting of the Council which concluded on 6th August, 2010. |
With a view to give effect to the decision that may be taken by the Council in the matter, the printing and supply of the examination application forms were staggered purely for the benefit of the candidates for the November, 2010 examinations and hence the delay in reaching the required number of examination application forms to various locations. Not giving effect to the said decision would have lead to the eligibility for such appearance only from the May, 2011 examinations. Students are requested to kindly bear with us during the interregnum as this difficulty is purely on account of our initiatives to give effect to the decision of the Council for the benefit of the candidates effective from the November, 2010 examination onwards. |
While appreciating the difficulties being experienced, however, we may inform that every effort is being made to mitigate this hardship whereby required number of examination application forms will be made available latest by 17th August, 2010. |
We would also like to mention that the facility of online filing of application is available since 5th August, 2010 onwards at . Students are encouraged to opt for this facility. |
Siddharth Rutiya
!! Be a Helping Hand !!