# Registration as a student
Registration is open throughout the year.
# Foundation Programme examination
Candidates registered up to and including the month of March are eligible to take Foundation examination earliest in December in the same year and those registered up to and including September can take up the examination in June next year subject to satisfactory completion of coaching. # Executive examination
Candidates registered upto and including the month of February in a year are eligible for appearing in both the Modules of the Executive examination held in December of that year and those registered upto and including the month of August in a year are eligible to appear in the Executive examination held in June of next year subject to satisfactory completion of coaching. Candidates registered as students up to and including May in a year are eligible for appearing in any one Module only of the Executive examination held in December of that year and those registered up to and including the month of November in a year are eligible for appearing in any one Module only in June examination of next year subject to completion of coaching, computer training & other requirements (as per the guidelines of the Institute) in the Module they intend to appear. # Professional examination
A student is admitted to the Professional examination only after a minimum period of nine calendar months has elapsed since his passing the Executive examination.
# Last Date For Receipt Of Response Sheets
Last date for receipt of response sheets including resubmission in the Institute from the candidates who wish to be considered for enrolment for the examination to be held in June is 28 February & in December is 31st August . These dates have been fixed keeping in view the enrolment dates of the examinations and thus no request for extension of time beyond the stipulated dates will be entertained.
(Students are advised not to wait up to last date. They should submit their response sheets at the earliest well in advance for timely processing & issuance of suggested answers)
# Months of examination
The examinations are conducted twice a year in June and December.
# Last date for receipt of enrolment applications for examination in the Institute
- 25th March (with late fee of Rs. 100, 9th April) for June examination:
- 25th September (with late fee of Rs. 100, 10th October) for December examination.
Cut off dates for admission to CS course:
For Foundation Programme | 31st March for appearing in December Examination in the same year 30th September for June Examination next year |
For Executive Programme | 28th February for December Exams in the same year 31st August for June Exam next year |