Regulation 46(2) of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 provides for Verification of Marks obtained by a candidate in any subject(s) of examination(s) within 30 days from the date of declaration of result.
Accordingly, a candidate desirous to seek verification of marks in any subject(s) of December, 2010 examination result is required to submit an application written on a plain paper in his/her own handwriting, mentioning his/her (i) Name; (ii) Student Registration Number; (iii) Stage of Examination and Roll No.; (iv) Name(s) of Subject(s) in which Verification of Marks is sought; (v) Complete Postal Address with Pin Code; and (vi) details of payment made, to
Specimen of application form is also displayed at for ready reference.
Sr. Director (Exams.),
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India,
C-37, Institutional Area, Sector 62,
NOIDA – 201 309.
Specimen of application form is also displayed at for ready reference.
Application giving relevant information as stated above, along with the requisite verification of marks fee @ Rs.100/- per subject by way of a Demand Draft favouring ‘The Institute of Company Secretaries of India’, payable at New Delhi should reach the Institute upto 24th March, 2011.
Candidates are advised not to club any other remittance or query along with request/application for verification of marks to facilitate an early reply.
Candidates are advised not to club any other remittance or query along with request/application for verification of marks to facilitate an early reply.
After completion of verification process, candidates are informed of the outcome of the verification of marks, normally within 3-4 weeks’ time. Status/Outcome of applications received/disposed/under-process for verification of marks will also be available on Institute’s website: www.icsi.edu. However, if any candidate does not receive a communication from the Institute, he/she should write to the Sr. Director (Exams.) giving relevant details about his/her application (as mentioned above) sent for verification of marks to the Institute.
Fees is Rs 100/- per Subject.
Siddharth Rutiya