Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tips on How to Quote Case Laws in Exams ?

How to Quote Case Laws in CS Exams ?

Here are few tips:

There are different ways of quoting relevant case laws, and it depends upon the question.

In Theory Question Quote the relevant case in the answer text itself, using brackets. OR write…As it was decided in……………………(case name)…..continue your answer.

DON'T GIVE CASE LAWS AS A FOOT NOTE or by WRITING PLEASE REFER CASE LAW…These are bad practices, and attract low marks.

DONT WRITE as it was decided in the Celebrated Case / Famous Case...because you dont know whether the case was celebrated or famous. You can write so only in such famous case that you know for example: Salomon & Co. (Corporate Veil) or Ashbury Case (Ultra-Vires) or Satyam Case (for Section 408 / Opression & Mis-management.

DONT WRITE CASE CITATION WRONGLY....write only if you know correctly. Because, the examiner may know the Case Citation.

WRITE CASE LAW YEAR IF POSSIBLE....but dont write wrong years...

DONT WRITE THE COURT NAME WRONGLY...Usually students write as was held by The Supreme Court in...Make sure that the particular case law is of the Supreme Court...if you are not sure...then dont write....Identify the there will be a refernce in brackets...SC (Supreme Court), Del. (Delhi High Court), Mad. (Madras High Court), Ker. (Kerala High Court)

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