Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Committee on Review of Eligibility Norms” (CORE)

Views solicited on SEBI Paper issued for public Comments


The "Committee on Review of Eligibility Norms" (CORE) was constituted by SEBI to re-visit the eligibility norms and other functional aspects prescribed for various intermediaries. The CORE, in turn, sub divided itself into four Sub-Groups comprising of domain experts as under:
a. Sub-Group I: Debenture Trustees, Credit Rating Agencies and Asset Management Companies.
b. Sub-Group II: Merchant Bankers, Underwriters, Registrar to an Issue and Share Transfer Agent  and Bankers to the Issue.
c. Sub-Group III: Brokers, Sub-brokers, Depository Participants, Portfolio Managers and Custodians.
d. Sub-Group IV: Functional issues relating to various market intermediaries.
SEBI has placed the Reports of the Sub-Groups on its Website for public comments. A copy of the same is attached.
We solicit your views/suggestions on the Reports of the Sub-Groups and shall appreciate to receive the same by June 10, 2010 at sonia.baijal@icsi.edu .

Report of Core -Committee

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